sod_img sod_binarize_image(sod_img input, int reverse);
Binarize an input image via fixed thresholding. Other thresholding & edge detection methods includes sod_canny_edge_image(), sod_threshold_image(), sod_sobel_image(), etc.
Input picture
sod_binarize_image() Output
sod_img input
The input image to be thresholded. The image can be loaded from disk using sod_img_load_from_file(), from memory (i.e. network socket) via sod_img_load_from_mem() or dynamically created via sod_make_image().
int reverse
If true, turn output white pixels into black and vice-versa.
Return Value
Binary image whose pixels have only two possible intensity value (i.e. black or white) is returned in an instance of the sod_img object. if something goes wrong during processing, then an empty image is returned via sod_make_empty_image(). Once done, you must release the memory allocated to this object via sod_free_image() to avoid memory leaks.
Checkout the introduction course, the C/C++ samples on the download page or refer to the SOD Github Repository.
See also
sod_canny_edge_image • sod_hilditch_thin • sod_threshold_image • sod_dilate_image • sod_equalize_histogram • sod_grayscale_image.