SOD C/C++ API Reference - Image Processing


sod_img sod_dilate_image(sod_img input, int times);


Apply morphological dilation to a an input binary image.

Dilated image 12 times

pic via canny_edge


sod_img    input

The input image to be processed. The target image must be binary (i.e. images whose pixels have only two possible intensity value mostly black or white). You can obtain a binary image via sod_canny_edge_image(), sod_otsu_binarize_image(), sod_binarize_image() or sod_threshold_image().
The image can be loaded from disk using sod_img_load_from_file(), from memory (i.e. network socket) via sod_img_load_from_mem() or dynamically created via sod_make_image().

int    times

Repeat the dilation process n times.

Return Value

The dilated binary image is returned in an instance of the sod_img object. if something goes wrong during processing, then an empty image is returned via sod_make_empty_image(). Once done, you must release the memory allocated to this object via sod_free_image() to avoid memory leaks.


Checkout the introduction course, the C/C++ samples on the download page or refer to the SOD Github Repository.

See also

