int sod_realnet_load_model_from_mem(sod_realnet *pNet, const void * pModel, unsigned int nBytes, sod_realnet_model_handle *pOutHandle);
Register & Load a RealNet model form memory. After successful registration, the model is ready for detection and prediction tasks for example via sod_realnet_detect(). Pre-trained RealNet models can be downloaded from or trained via the RealNet training interfaces.
sod_realnet *pNet
A pointer to a valid sod_realnet object obtained from a prior successful call to sod_realnet_create().
const void *pModel
Memory buffer holding the target model to load.
unsigned int nBytes
Size of the memory buffer.
sod_realnet_model_handle *pOutHandle
OUT/Optional: Unique ID assigned by the RealNet container to identify this model on successful registration. This handle is required by the sod_realnet_model_config() interface to alter the model default configuration. Learn more about this handle here.
Return Value
SOD_OK is returned on success. Any other code indicates failure.
Checkout the introduction course, the C/C++ samples on the download page or refer to the SOD Github Repository.
See also
sod_realnet_destroy • sod_realnet_load_model_from_disk • sod_realnet_model_config • sod_realnet_detect • sod_realnet_create.